Here are some links to some interesting news/articles I have read in other blogs in the last couple of days. I will now shamelessly steal their owner's content.
First, the law students over at The Shark wrote up a top ten list of law school related Facebook groups:
1. Dear Law School: High School Called, They Want Their Drama Back
2. I’ve Thought About Dropping Out of Law School At Least Ten Times Today
3. 1Ls Against Gunners (Or the more crude, but maybe more appropriate: Keep Your F—king Hand Down In Lecture and Shut the F—k Up. No One Cares.)
4. You Might Be In Law School If...
5. If You Come Back Here and Let Me Love and Pet You, I Will Fix Your Clock
6. Law School Is Making Me More Stupider
7. Chuck Norris Lays Down The Law...School
8. If Law School Was Easy, We’d Call It Your Mom
9. I Remember A Time When I Was Happy, Before Law School
10. Dear Law School – Thanks For The Drinking Problem
They also reiterated the need for professionals, professionals-in-training, and really anyone looking for a job to clean up their profile and ensure that nothing inappropriate appears. Old people know about Facebook.
Second, The Shark also has a posted about some drama going on at Berkeley Law. Apparently somebody associated with their student government set up a secret meeting to encourage minority students to run for positions in the student government. An email announcing the meeting was sent out to a select few. Somebody else caught wind of this and photocopied the email and distributed it to lockers around campus. On the back of the photocopied email, the anonymous person wrote up his aversion for secret student government meetings and demanded transparency.
Sounds like something that would happen on some random teen drama show (is the OC still on?), but I guess all places have their drama (SW included).
LINK via The Shark
Lastly, my friend Joe posted a link to a really good opinion piece in the Economist about the recent market turmoil with Bear Stearns. It analyses what happened and suggest ways to fix it. Maybe I will reconsider that $80 subscription.
LINK via Joe