After the quick recovery I went to party the following day. Old friends from Caltech just got a new loft in Downtown LA and had a loft-warming party. The party was great, enjoyed by all and I did not get to bed until it was daylight.
The following day I went to the LLSA annual Dodger game. We won! There was a BBQ beforehand and a great game. Pictures HERE.
Andy birthday was last week, but I was not able to see him until Monday. We went out to dinner and visited his classroom. He is a long-term German substitute teacher. I took a picture of him in front of his classroom (below). He looks like such a grown up!

This week I am going to the Opera twice. First I am seeing Il Trittico, which is a series of three, one act Puccini operas. The following day I am going to the The Fly, an opera based on the movie (the 1950's version), not the Jeff Goldblum remake.
On a random note I saw this at school the other day:
This took me back to my Caltech days and ditch day. The seniors would use black plastic tarp to cover large parts of campus to hide components of their stacks. Good old days ...